Corporate identity and ad campaign
Fondazione Manifesto is a project collaborating closely with Gibellinese community and other partners in order to reactivate the empty spaces in Gibellina Nuova through culture.
Manifesto Gibellina Nuova is the title of the exhibition that co-inhabit Gibellina as a laboratory for the challenges of our time, looking for traces of possible futures. In the context of globalisation, Manifesto Gibellina Nuova – Dream in Progress chooses to be radically local in engaging with the City of Tomorrow in all of its diverse components.
Guided tours, the Dream in Progress Tours, are organized to bring visitors from Palermo to Gibellina Nuova with two stops. The first stop is at Ruderi di Poggioreale with a short walk through the remains of the former town destroyed completely by the Belìce earthquake 50 years ago.
The second stop allows visitors to wander through the “Grande Cretto”, one of the biggest Land art installations in the world, that covers the ruins of Gibellina Vecchia. The highlight of the tour is the visit to the open air exhibition “Dream in Progress” with its outstanding architecture and monuments. After lunch, prepared by a culinary team of residents, the tour meets the local art and garden community strolling through a landscape of incredible potential.
More information in the ART page of the project.